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Our Books

You've got the time: How to Write and Publish that Book in You

You've Got the Time: How to Write and Publish That Book in You

Whether you're writing a book for credibility and back-of-the-room sales, to transform your life, or to prove to your high school principal that you can do it, award-winning author, editor, and book coach Ken Wachsberger guides you step by step to book success. With chapters on how to prepare your writing "space"; finding time in a busy lifestyle; labeling and organizing your digital files; freewriting your way to a table of contents; turning your prose into poetry; choosing your platforms; getting the word out; negotiating your contract; and more.
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book, puns, word play, job seekers

Puns and Word Play for the Job Seeker

Is job seeking in these economically depressed times getting you down? Ken's friends have been there and they're here to help lighten the mood in "Ken Wachsberger's Puns and Word Plays for the Job Seeker", a compendium of puns and word plays that includes nearly 150 touching testimonials, horror stories, close calls, hard-luck adventures, and words of wisdom from experienced job seekers everywhere.
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book, jew, jewish, holocaust, WWII, World War 2, Marquis, France, resistance, Nazi

Never Be Afraid: A Belgian Jew in the French Resistance

In Never Be Afraid: A Belgian Jew in the French Resistance, with Ken Wachsberger, Bernard Mednicki, a working-class Belgian Jew from an Orthodox, socialist background, flees with his family to the mountainous region of southern France when the Nazis invade in 1940, poses as a Christian, and, through a series of street-smart moves, finds his way into the Maquis, the French resistance. There, he commits an act of self-preservation so horrendous, he represses it for over forty years. Only through writing this book is he able to unleash the memory and find the peace he needs to join his ancestors.
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Breast cancer, Support person, resource guide

Your Partner Has Breast Cancer: 21 Ways to Keep Sane as a Support Person on Your Journey from Victim to Survivor

Finally, support for the breast cancer support person. Your Partner Has Breast Cancer: 21 Ways to Keep Sane as a Support Person on Your Journey from Victim to Survivor is the resource caregivers have been waiting for, especially husbands. A landmark step forward in the field of emotional and mental self-help. Includes 㔨e Cancer Journals䠡nd additional resources.
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I-Search, Developmental writing, Freshman composition, Transforming Lives, teaching writing, experiential writing and research, high school, college, English, research

Transforming Lives: A Socially Responsible Guide to the Magic of Writing and Researching

When was the last time an English textbook awakened your imagination and held out the hope that you could change the lives of your students? Ken Wachsberger's Transforming Lives: A Socially Responsible Guide to the Magic of Writing and Researching, now in its second edition, is that book. Transforming Lives shows your students how to turn the I-Search paper into a full-length, life-changing research project. Textbook includes research strategies, assignments, sample student papers (written by actual students), anecdotal appendices, and more. For any developmental writing, Freshman composition, or high school English class where good writing and a research project are required.
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Price $30.00 Tom Robbins, Richard Brautigan, Bernard Mednicki, Ken Wachsberger, Nazis, Hitler, Volvic, Pogroms, Family values, Chaim Potok, Bernard Malamud, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Philip Rosen, Holocaust Awareness Museum, Elie Wiesel, Yom Ha Shoah, Diaspora Jew, Nuremberg Laws, Yehuda Bauer, Dawn Sova, Nicholas Karolides, Margaret Bald, Nadine Strossen, Goldie Kalib, Anne Frank, Abraham Foxman, Abe Peck, William KunstlerISBN 0-945531-04-4

Vietnam Era, counterculture, youth, dropout, hitchiker, hitchhiking, anti-war, protest

Beercans on the Side of the Road

Beercans on the Side of the Road: The Story of Henry the Hitchhiker is the seventies' coming of age, on the road, cult classic adventure of a young college dropout hitchhiker in search of the perfect flow and what it means to be a writer. Author and zen phony Ken Wachsberger is one of the country's foremost experts on intranational hitchhiking in the seventies.
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Price: $10.00 ISBN: 0-945531-00-1

Breast cancer, Support person,Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book

The 101 stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book provide inspiration to help deal with every aspect of this terrible disease. From initial diagnosis to breaking the news to securing a medical team to chemotherapy and then recovery, the story collection in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Cancer Book is the most extensive of its kind.
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Banned Books Series

The Facts On File Banned Books Series, edited by Ken Wachsberger, profiles over 400 well-known, often classic works that have been harassed in one form or another throughout history and around the world for either sexual, social, political, or religious reasons. Each clearly written entry in this eye-opening four-volume series gives readers a summary of the work at hand, its censorship history, and suggestions for further reading.
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Price: $120.00 per set ( $30.00 per volume ) ISBN: 0-8160-3302-1

banned books, Azenphony Press

Banned Books Series

100 Banned Books: Censorship Histories of World Literature, edited by Ken Wachsberger, profiles 100 well-known, often classic works that have been harassed in one form or another throughout history and around the world for either sexual, social, political, or religious reasons. Each clearly written entry gives readers a summary of the work at hand, its censorship history, and suggestions for further reading.
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Price: $19.00 ISBN: 0-8160-4059-1

Temporarily out of print

Vietnam, counterculture, stories, journals, poems

The Ballad of Ken and Emily

The Ballad of Ken and Emily: or, Tales from the Counterculture, by Ken Wachsberger, is an anthology of short stories, prison journals, poems, essays, and articles from the Vietnam era and beyond. Wachsberger's writings from the Vietnam era capture a vital piece of that period's brilliant countercultural mosaic.
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Price: $18.00 ISBN: 0-945531-01-X

Temporarily out of print

The Last Selection: A Child's
			Journey through the Holocaust

The Last Selection: A Child's Journey through the Holocaust

When the Holocaust ended, so ended also the infamous "selections" of Dr. Josef Mengele at the Auschwitz death camp. But just before it ended, there was "the last selection." In The Last Selection: A Child's Journey through the Holocaust, by Goldie Szachter Kalib, with Sylvan Kalib and Ken Wachsberger, Goldie describes her life through World War II, from her idyllic childhood in Bodzentyn, Poland, to hiding with a Polish Christian family, to the slave camp, to Auschwitz, to life in the gas chamber, to Bergen-Belsen, and then to liberation.
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Price: $18.00 ISBN: 1-55849-018-3

Voices from the Underground, Vietnam Era underground press

Voices from the Underground

Voices from the Underground: Insider Histories of the Vietnam Era Underground Press (volume one of a two-volume set), edited by Ken Wachsberger, is a collection of histories of individual underground papers from the Vietnam era as written and told by key members on the papers at the time. Their stories represent the countercultural, gay, lesbian, feminist, Puerto Rican, black, socialist, Southern consciousness, prisoners' rights, new age, student, and military antiwar voices of the age. Includes representational writings from the period. Forewords by Abe Peck and William M. Kunstler.
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ISBN: 1-87946-101-3

Hot off the presses: the updated and expanded Voices from the Underground Series

Voices from the Underground

When Voices from the Underground: A Directory of Resources and Sources on the Vietnam Era Underground Press (volume two of a two-volume set), edited by Ken Wachsberger, came out in 1993, it was considered the most important resource guide to the period on the strength of its three articles: an annotated bibliography of books and articles on the underground press; a directory listing of special collections libraries that have major holdings on the period; and a listing of underground papers on microfilm. Foreword by Sanford Berman.
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Temporarily out of print Voices from the Underground, Vietnam Era underground pressISBN: 1-87946-102-1


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