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Transforming Lives: A Socially Responsible Guide to the Magic of Writing and Researching

What Detroit Public School English teachers said after their three-week workshop,
March 2004

    I can easily see myself assigning an I-Search to my students.

    This workshop has helped me become more aware of how important it is to manage your time and I have gained more empathy for my students.

    Thanks to Mr. Wachsberger for adding a personal touch by calling to remind me of the upcoming meeting. That made the difference between my coming and my staying home!

    Thank you for coming.

    The I-Search paper gave me a new perspective on how to make writing a new and exciting experience for my students.

    The book will be most helpful if questions should arise.

    Thank you for a really viable, applicable approach to research.

    [The I-Search paper] gives students instant joy and appreciation for their skills, wherever they are.

    Extremely enjoyable.

    I have information that I can use in the classroom and in my life.

    The pacing was great. Ken is quite a character!

    It generated many ideas and awakened many dormant thoughts that I had before.

    I think it will excite them into wanting to write about and discover themselves so as to encourage them to set goals and reach for higher heights.

    It was fun!

    Very enjoyable. So simple.

    This workshop was very beneficial. It has opened avenues and possibilities for fulfilling a dream.

    This is an idea Iⶥ heard about for many years. It was nice to have seen it carried all the way through.

    The workshop gave me information that will help me and my students to take their essays much further.

    The workshop was very worthwhile and informative.

    Ken did a wonderful presentation.

    I enjoyed the format紨e discussion紨e lecture确d the food.

    Even though I work with youngsters who are learning disabled and cognitively impaired, my students started the process today窵st in terms of self-discovery.


    Brought up new ideas and stimulated my thoughts about writing (my own and students!).

    I gained a new insight into writing and doing research through the I-Search paper宔he highpoint was having an energetic teacher and a very informative book to take each student into a new writing process紨e I-Search安t was a fantastic class. Thanks, Ken!

    I am excited!!!

And finally,

    Ken WachsbergerⳠbook, Transforming Lives, is an authentic pathway to the magic kingdom of literary and research writing. Transparent and succinct, the book presents clearly delineated steps that open the reader to personal writing choices. Students and adults are invited through an engaging, thoughtful format to experience transformation through writing.

--Dr. Joyce L. Moore, Director
English Curriculum
Detroit Public Schools

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